Sunday, February 12, 2017

Getting There Part I

Have you ever noticed that, even when you're planning an amazing, relaxing vacation, the logistics of actually planning it are incredibly stressful, often expensive, and super time consuming?  I mean, it's not just reservations on a plane or train or cruise ship.  It's getting passports, or shopping for the clothes you'll need (or that satin money belt from REI that you read online was the best one, and there isn't even an REI that close).  It's the planning the route, if you're driving, which means maps or GPS, or lots of online research as to the best wineries to stop at or which restaurants have Gluten Free (GF) menus.  It's planning an itinerary, particularly if you're a Type A, must know The Plan kind of person like me.

When I went to Europe the summer before last, we had SO much planning and research to do.  We were going to three countries and staying in four Airbnb's, and flying and taking trains and subways.  Then there was the packing.  I mean, pack enough clothes for 10 days, but still not pack too many clothes since we each only wanted one rolling bag and a backpack.  And then it was finding good walking shoes, and breaking them in.  And going to AAA to get money converted to euros.  And finding someone to watch the cat.  And making sure the bills still got paid.  And trying to eat everything in the fridge before you left.  I mean, it's stressful.

Now making a move is a whole other kind of stress.  And I've moved a lot in my time.  Let's see.  Okay, I'm going to count here, hold I think it's seven times?  (I guess that isn't much compared to a military family, but it feels like a lot!)

But guess what? They were all in Virginia!  Sometimes in the same town in Virginia (my last four houses have all been in Manassas over a 25-year period).  So, sometimes we did it ourselves, sometimes with movers, but never far and never packing that carefully.

Now I'm going across the country!  That's a little different.  And I'm going alone, so no one on the other end to help me unload.

It was because of this that I decided not to bring any furniture.  I don't even know where I'll be living yet, so I wasn't sure what would fit or what I'd need.  Plus, it's flipping expensive to move your stuff!

Originally, my son and I were going to drive a small U-Haul out to Oregon, and tow my car behind us.  We'd take turns driving, I'd get to spend some time with him, he could help me with the cat and unloading the truck and keep my company.

But then I thought about my sciatica.  And I thought about not being able to "work" for 10 days and the cat being in his carrier for so long.  And towing a car...that sounds difficult, slow, and dangerous.

So, instead, I decided to sell the car and fly out with the cat.  I'd ship a few meager belongings to myself.  Mostly boxes full of books and art and all my Arbonne paraphernalia.

So wow.  The options.

Option 1:  Use professional movers with a truck.  Well, basically I don't have enough stuff to warrant a truck,  Plus it's expensive. Plus no end point to deliver it all to.

Option 2:  Ship boxes on a TRAIN.  Did you know you could do this?  I found some article online about the cheapest options to ship stuff, and this was it!  Sadly, though, I'd need to be able to pick it all up somehow on the other end, and I won't even have a car!

Option 3:  Use PODS (and when I say PODS, it's like saying Kleenex.  I may or may not be referring to the brand PODS, but just the type of transport, because it stands for Portable On Demand Storage--and the editor in me kind of flinched there, because I happen to think on-demand should be hyphenated here.  But I digress).

Anywhoooo...PODS seemed like the best method.  Why?  Well, because I can have a fairly small one delivered to me, load it myself, have it driven across country, where it will be stored until I've found a home and can have it delivered, whereby I can then unload it.

There are a lot of PODS companies out there!  And they all would sure love you to commit already to scheduling with them.  You try to get a "free quote" and end up on the phone with a customer rep who really wants you to PICK A DATE now.  They promise you can back out, but isn't that kind of like signing up for a month of free Netflix?  They kind of figure you'll forget to cancel the subscription (which I have!) and then you keep getting charged.  Except this isn't $9.99.  It's like $3,000.  YUP.  $3,000.  Or thereabouts.  It depends on whether you want a container made of plywood or metal, and whether you want it to be water proof or not, or stored in a climate controlled space or out in a parking lot  when it arrives.  That kind of thing.

I finally settled on U-Pack, which promises the best construction, IMHO, of their pod, and while costly, seems to meet all my requirements.

And so now, it's a question of scheduling.  I realized that, I need to be out of the house by closing... that's when the new people get the keys!  And that means I need to schedule pick-up before that day, and pay the PODS people BEFORE closing on my house, which means that nice little sum I'm making from the sale of my home will not be available to pay them until AFTER I go to closing.  Okay, slight fly in the ointment, since I don't happen to have an extra $3,000 to cough up just now, as I was busy spending all my free cash on fixing up my house so I could sell it!  Sigh.

So, as a compromise, I am waiting til after the home inspector comes tomorrow on the off chance that they'll find something terribly wrong and unsafe that I'll have to fix (with that non-existent cash of mine) before we can go to closing.  But, staying positive...all will be well...breathe.  After the home inspection, I can call and reserve the PODS (I don't want to keep spelling that with the "S"...I'm only getting one container, one POD...but that only stands for "portable on demand").

Crossing my fingers and toes that the inspection goes well, and slowly mobilizing myself to pack a few boxes.

I will slow down the blog posts to once a week after I get myself out of town, but there is so much to consider, to decide, to negotiate, and to address in the next few weeks.  And lest you think this will turn into a never-ending rant, have no fear.  My plan is to chronicle meaningful events and exciting adventures, not just mishaps and frustrations.  It's just that at this moment, my life is ruled by chaos and mess.  :)

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